DIGITAL YOUTH CONSULTATION ON PVE, Preventing Violent Conflict and Violent Extremism in Burundi.
Deadline 7th May 2017
Dear friends and colleagues ;
With the support of UNFPA Burundi Country Office, Youth Empowerment and Leadership Initiative (YELI-Burundi) in partnership with WORLD PEACE INITIATIVE, COMMON GROUND CENTER and WORLD MERIT BURUNDI are organizing the DIGITAL YOUTH CONSULTATION ON PVE (Preventing Violent Extremism).
The Digital Youth Consultation on PVE aims to contribute in ensuring a transparent, participatory preparation of the post-2017 PVE programme framework through online collecting inputs from youths and relevant stakeholders from all provinces of Burundi. This will enable young people who will not be able to take part in PVE Youth Blast to give their inputs and recommendations.
The PVE Youth Blast is a peer to peer youth consultations, dialogue and engagement to be held on 13rd MAY 2017.
1. Young people who participate in the Digital Youth Consultation on PVE will be selected to attend the PVE youth Blast and be part of young peace builders' network in Burundi.
2. They will have an opportunity to be part of fellows of the peace connect class.
3. They will be recommended to take part in the 2017 fellowship organized by world peace Initiative taking place in South Africa.
4. Certificates of participation will be issued to well submitted digital inputs of clear and concise information.
1. An operational report will be made proposing actions that can be taken by Government and other peace building stakeholders.
2. After the PVE youth Blast, a peace building class (Peace Connect) will be conveyed in order to support youth-led community-based peace building initiatives. Create a national network of young peace builders; Build high-level capacity of these young leaders in order to deliver peace building projects at the grassroots level.
1. Burundian nationals;
2. Aged between 12-35 years;
3. Representative from Conflict resolution civil Society youth led organizations;
4. local organization, NGOs or any other institution working with youth;
5. Youths (University/College students);
6. Individuals or initiatives Interested in Preventing Violent extremism; active in their local communities having launched, or are very engaged with, projects/initiatives to prevent violent extremism;
If you are Prospective applicants, please take 20 minutes to fill this form that will give you an access to be part of the Event, and acquire all benefits offered above.
Complete the Form online before deadline at the link:
The Digital Youth Consultation on PVE